
About the Invention and Inventor

A fun multi-use personal flotation device, the Float’n N Boat’n Thang™ [Patent Pending], gives users a whole new way to experience paddle boarding, as well as floating on the water.

Founded in Goodyear, Arizona, the Same city that founded the Goodyear Tire Co.  Good things come out of Goodyear in the way of rubber, like the FloatnThang!

The new device, Float’n N Boat’n Thang, makes it easy for users to navigate waters while sitting in comfortable positions. The fun, multi-use personal flotation device not only offers the ability for paddle boarders to float comfortably in the water, but it can also be used as a booster seat and as a temporary boat fender when docking or tying up with another boat.  Only for a short time, as it's always recommended that you carry a good set of boat fenders. 

Group FloatNamed the “Float'nThang” for short, this personal flotation device gives users a seat with a beverage holder for standup paddle boarding. To give paddle boarders more options when on their SUPS, the FloatnThang provides needed support for the user to get into a sitting position on a standup paddleboard (SUP). The device has a unique ability to offer support for the user’s lower back, but also boost the user high enough above the water for easy paddling.

It’s no surprise that the floatation device has the slogan, “Increase Your Physical Gains while Reducing Your Aches and Pains,” since the device offers great lower back support while still giving you a relaxed position. “You’re more likely to get a better workout when your body is relaxed,” says dock A member Steve S.

“Relaxed muscles make your body less likely to suffer from muscles strain and tears”

Exercise and back support are not the only perks to this personal flotation device. Not only is the device good in water but it can also be used when you’re lounging around on shore or at home. For instance, if you need extra back support in your office chair, or if you just need a boost when you’re sitting, the Float’nThang can help.   

Perfect fit for lower back support
Perfect fit for lower back support

Inventor, Doug Masi, quickly realized that the device had an infinite amount of potential when his friends kept asking for that floating thing.

“During our testing for the device, we noticed that our friends would ask, ‘Where's that floating thing?’ The name just caught on, and people loved it! There are lots of different exercise techniques you can do with the SUP (stand up paddleboard), and it’s comfortable.” –Doug Masi, Inventor

Unlike with noodles and other flotation devices, the Float’nThang is extremely buoyant and does not require inflation. The buoyancy helps to keep the user just high enough above the water to enable easier navigation. With noodles and other flotation devices, moving around can be a difficult thing to do. That's why the device was strategically made so the user can not only sit comfortable, but navigate the waters with ease, while having their favorite beverage along for the ride.

Getting Everyone Float'n Again starts with sales at the April 7th Lake Havasu Boat show.  Check out our post,


Doug Masi - Founder

Growing up in SW Fla, Isles of Capri (70's & 80's) . I came to love the water. Now almost 40 years later, I have never ventured far from that love. Boating, waterskiing, paddleboarding (which I did before it even came out), is more exciting now.  Much of my fitness, takes place in water. Generally, hard surfaces when running/jogging was not working well for my knees and back.  My chiropractor recommended try exercising in the pool.  In-water type fitness, leg, and muscle rehabilitation provided great results.   After testing other floatation devices, from vest to noodles, nothing would give me that freedom of swimming on my back.  

I wanted one single flotation device that did not have to be inflated all the time, which could get a hole, and then replace again, like many other styles.  Something that could act as a booster chair and flotation in one device.   Over the course of 12 to 18 months, while at the lake, I could test different usages.  The Float'n Thang or (PFDThang) provides the most comfortable way to float. 

Many times after getting done a session of wake surfing or wakeboarding, we all would jump in the water and hang out.  Offering the Float'n Thang to others was a big plus.  Just jump in and float with your favorite beverage.  The first question was,  "Where did you get this?  I want one".   Using as a booster seat, having that extra boost in a typical boat chair is nice.  In many cases while the boat is pulling someone, we would have to jump up to get a rope, ski, or just help someone out while they are in the water,  that extra boost made the difference.  Provides an extra level of cushion support for times of rough water or bumpy rides when the lake is busy with other boats.

That's why I have developed a flotation and support booster chair with multiple usages (in water & out of water) all in one uniquely designed personal Float'n Thang.


  • Sunshine Innovations LLC
  • email:   pr@floatnThang.com   
  • Phone: 480-331-5741  
  • eFax:  623-321-1901
  • EDI Compliant